TL II型钢制拖链系列 用途: 链扳经镀铬处理外形效果新颖结构合理,灵巧强度高,钢性好不变形,安装方便,使用可靠,易拆装,尤其是采用高强度耐磨材料,合金铜为轴销,提高了产品的耐磨强度,弯曲更灵活,阻力更小,降低了噪音,从而可保证长时间使用不变形,不下垂。 Usage : The chromium plated chain board has very nice-looking appearance and has very rational construction and flexible and high strength. It is reliable and easy to operate, install, dismantal or assemble. It is worthwhile mentioning that the antiwearing performance has been improved greatly due to wear resistant material and alloy pinshaft are used. The product is flexible to bending and has low resistance, giving low noises. It can be used for a very long period of time without any deformation or hanging down. |